Zhaojun's Blog

A blog about computer science and life

Python features several powerful operators for unpacking collections and dictionaries, namely the * (asterisk) and ** (double asterisk) operators. These operators are highly useful for function calls, handling variable numbers of arguments, and other situations requiring flexibility in how data is passed around.

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Machine Learning (ML) is a pivotal subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that empowers systems to autonomously learn and enhance their performance from past experiences, sans explicit programming. It is the art of creating algorithms that parse data, learn from it, and then apply what they’ve learned to make informed decisions.

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In a microservice architecture using Eureka for service discovery, services (clients) register themselves with the Eureka server. This allows them to discover each other and communicate.

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The [[nodiscard]] attribute is a part of C++17 and onwards, which signals the compiler to issue a warning if the return value of a function is ignored. This attribute can be applied to functions, enumerations, and classes.

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Le Protocole de Bureau à Distance (RDP) de Microsoft permet aux utilisateurs de se connecter à un ordinateur distant et de l’utiliser comme s’ils étaient sur place. L’utilisation de deux écrans en RDP peut augmenter la productivité en offrant plus d’espace de travail.

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To change from using a local account to a domain account (like the one provided with an email-like format), you need to join the computer to the domain represented by the “@jalarue.com” part of the account name. Here’s a general process you’d follow, assuming you have the necessary permissions and network access to your company’s domain controller.

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